Is The Law of Attraction a Matter of Talent or A Matter of Luck

I think that when things work out, many times we think of that famous line, "The Universe cooperates in my favor!" Is this what Law of Attraction is?? Everything just seems to fall into place; coincidences seem to make the path easier, luck seems to be on my side. I have had that feeling! Have you?

But if you really think about it, the so-co consipiracy of the universe is nothing mystical; and nothing benefits us in some random manner without us having done anything for it to happen. We did do something. We have desires, dreams, ideas, plans, persistence work, kept our convictions concerning our purposes, and despite all the obstacles, we never let our enthusiam weaken. And then all the efforts, emotive persistence, consistent work started to pay off. The right people appeared, not out of luck, but because we attracted them with our energy..

Opportunities come not by chance, but because we, network marketers, personal developers, mentors and coaches, have laid the groundwork for other marketers to follow. People think and sometime believe that to have talent, it has to be a matter of luck; however, very few think that luck itself may very well be a matter of talent. What is talent then? It is a matter of knowing how to listen to your intuition, believing in yourself and who you are, and who you are becoming, knowing how to prepare, knowing how to create trust, create relationships, and to know how to create a good impression, and knowing how to execute our expectations.

I personally think that this is why certain people attract to certain professionals. The law of attraction happens when you are commited, consistent, persistent, truthful, hopeful, faithful and caring and truly giving from your heart with no strings attached to people who need help.

I have found in my life, faith is my secret weapon.

Excepts from Ricardo R. Bellino and Therese Catanzano


Here are 10 Reasons Why Network Marketing is Better Than Any Job, Career, Business or Investment Opportunity!

My daughter came home from school and she was quite sad that her Teacher was let go.Her teacher was given a ONE DAY NOTICE. She was quite upset. Is the economy hurting me and my daughter, YES! As I have stated many times, more than ever in recent history, people are hurting. They’re losing their homes, being laid off and living on credit cards just to get by, thus putting them into further debt. And the worst part, no one is very hopeful that things will ever turn around and get any better. Instead of complaining, do something about it. It is time for a change. People are turning to the internet because they need a plan B or opportunity that can give them a sense of hope and provide them with a means for a more secure future. We as leaders have to help them.

Here are the 10 Reasons Why Network Marketing is A Solutuion to our Economy Problem

Low-to-No Financial Risk. Start your own business at a no cost to low cost.
Be Your Own Boss. Working for yourself whether it be part-time or full time, when and where you want.
Superior Quality Products. Unlimited Market Potential
Impressive Tax Advantages. Legally putting thought of dollars in your pocket from the Home-base-business tax-savings.
No Restrictions. Not set Hours. NO COMMUTING. NO employess. NO dress code, NO high overhead. NO limitations. No one to tell you when you can go to the bathroom or taking a break.
100 Billion In Sales. More than 20 million independent business people in North America alone, where annual company growth rates of 30% to 1500% are common. An expanding global market.
Open to All. Regardless of your Age, Sex, Race, Education, Experience, Income Level, Capital Investment, Family or Business Background., Past Success or Failure.
In-Depth Training/Support. The internet is filled with a wealth of information It promotes the highest of personal and professional growth, business and leadership Skills and Development.
Immediate Income. The very real opportunity to earn both part-time and full-time. You will be able to leave your job.
Freedom "Living the Lifestyle of a Millionaire" without the burdens, hassles, and responsibilities, Your time and your life are yours.

Do you want to take control of you and own your life? Start Network Marketing! If you want more information, call me, send me an E-mail and I can help you.

Excepts from Therese Catanzano and Freedom Magazine

Live your dreams!
What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? It takes ambition and the desire to truly master the art and science of becoming a successful entrepreneur. And in my opinion ambition is far more important than brains, because if you have ambition you can always hire good brains. What is your number one rule of thumb in business? The more people we serve, the more money we make. It’s as simple as that Do you think it is easier now than when you first started? Well, first of all, it’s never easy; but in this day and age technology and the internet have made access to global markets a lot more accessible. What is the number one skill an entrepreneur should learn? I think it’s raising capital for their business. In today’s world you have to be so damn good for people to give you money, you need to be proven because there are simply too many unethical people out there. Most entrepreneurs do not know how to do this and are therefore limited in how much they can grow. Do you think there are generic qualities required to be a successful entrepreneur? Me and Donald (Donald Trump) have put together, based on our experiences, five qualities that all successful entrepreneurs require which combined gives them the Midas Touch. The first quality every entrepreneur needs to possess is strength of character. In business, many times an entrepreneur is tested, and as you become more and more successful the more you are tested, so how you show up as a person is a good indication of the type of entrepreneur you are. The next quality is the ability to stay focused. F.O.C.U.S means Follow One Course Until Successful – the emphasis here being on Until Successful. Most entrepreneurs fail because they lack the strength of character and the ability to stay on course until successful. The third quality is relationships. Whenever you find a struggling business, a bad marriage, or an investment gone bad, you will find a bad partner. This does not mean the person is a bad person. It just means they are a bad partner, the wrong person for the task. Working with the right partners is essential to becoming a successful entrepreneur because at the end of the day you can’t do a good deal with a bad partner. The fourth quality is an entrepreneur’s ability to build a brand. Many entrepreneurs work hard building a business, but only a few build a brand. Building your business into a brand is essential in developing the Midas Touch. For example, the Coca-Cola brand is worth much more than all the building plants, equipment, and capital goods making up the business. The fifth and final quality comes down to getting the little things done. Too many entrepreneurs think small and fail to focus on the little things that count. What should an entrepreneur look for when bringing on board a new business partner? In a partner you are looking for someone with synergy, a person who shares the same values and mission, and can bring something to the table that you do not have. What is the number one skill you possess that has allowed you to succeed in business? I would have to say personal development. It has taught me to be truthful to myself and other people. I always seek professional help from my list of advisors and occasionally I see a therapist because to be an entrepreneur you have to be nuts. Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur? I decided to be an entrepreneur because I didn’t want to be limited by how much I could earn and essentially I didn’t want to be poor. Setting goals on how much money we want and over time we have realised that to earn more you have to give more. Excepts from a Q&A interview with Alex Pirouz, Robert Kiyosaki discusses what it takes to be successful in business, the No 1 skill every entrepreneur should learn and the five qualities required by every entrepreneur in order to become successful.

If Your Dreams are Big Enough,The Facts Don't Count!

I would like to share a quote, that I got from a great Coach and Mentor, Larry Beacham. If you are struggling to find your passion you need or will stop and take a quiet moment to identify exactly why you are doing what you are doing.

If it is for money, cars, vacations, prestige and all the trappings of this world, I hate to to disappoint you, because you really haven't found your passion. These things are worth having, but when it gets hard and you don't know if you're going to make it, these thing will NOT move you to continue . It is not until you can identify the core purpose that you will truly do whatever it takes. Here is a great quote by Les Brown. Use this quote in your autosuggestion and self-talk.

If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, to work day and night for it it, to give up your time, your peace, and your sleep for it. If all that you dream and scheme is about it, and life seems useless and worthless without it. If you'll gladly sweat for it, and fret for it, and plan for it, and lose all your terror of the opposition for it. If you simply go after that thing that you want with all of your capacity, strength and sagacity; FAITH, hope, confidence, and stern pertinacity. If neither cold, poverty, famine or gaunt, sickness and pain; a body or brain can't keep away from that thing that you want. If in darkness and grim you beseech and beset it, with the help of God , you'll get.

Excepts from "The Stonecold Millionaire's" MLM Extreme Makeover by Larry Beacham, and Les Brown.

Stepping Stones to Success by Using the Slight Edge Approach by Jeff Olson

"Success in life comes one day at a time and, as Jeff Olson suggests, one step at a time. The Slight Edge will show you how your daily decisions can be the ultimate key to your success."Ken Blanchard"

“The simple little disciplines done again and again over time would move the highest and mightiest mountains” This is what is known as the as the Slight Edge Philosophy by Jeff Olson. Being in MLM/Network Marketing, for me personally, I need to use this approach. I always thought by doing a little bit everyday was doing the slight edge approach and philosophy. What I didn’t do is discipline myself the right way. I got overwhelmed, tired and to the point of being in the arena of almost quitting MLM/Network Marketing.

I have had some work trying to get back on track, not only with organization, not only with my mindset but with my exercise. Today was my first difficult hike this summer. The trail was called rock circuit trail. Which means it was a difficult hike with a lot of rock climbing and basically alot of rocks. While I was hiking, I had to look in front of my feet, constantly. As I was hiking, I got to thinking about Jeff Olson and the Slight Edge approach. I remember writing an article last year, when we had two massive snow storms in a row and it was my attitude that got me through it. I remember Jeff Olson Slight Edge Philosophy. Autosuggestion and prayer got me through today's hike and through this past winter.

When you do things for a reason or with meaning, things are easier, your attitude is better and you are more focused. It was and is important for me to focus what is right in front of me and not what was is ahead of me.The point I am trying to make is you have to be positive, disciplined and focus on what is right in front of you by taking baby steps. Take baby steps and it when you do take baby steps, you learn how to master the slight edge philosophy. “Learning how to learn”.

Because I took some time off from marketing, I had to take along hard look and step back at what I had been doing for the past two years. Is network marketing my passion? My passion is learning, teaching, networking and people. These last two years have not been wasted but I know I could have been more focused, committed, and understood things, followed through more efficiently by taking the slight edge approach more seriously, and disciplined myself better, things would and probably be different today.

It’s not just about doing a little bit every day. It’s about DISCIPLINING YOURSELF to commit, focus and do something with meaning. Learning “how to learn” as Jeff Olson states in his book. It doesn’t have to be huge; it just has to be meaningful. When I read Jeff Olson’s book called the Slight Edge, my understanding is that when I do something every day with meaning and continue to do it, you begin to discipline yourself and understand what you are doing, and it keeps me moving forward.

I can say today, that my passion is to teach, network and learn; my passion has and will always be to help others.

If there is a part of Jeff Olson and his book that I want you to takeaway, it is to remember when you were in the process of learning how to walk, you crawled, you stood, you walked, you fell and in the process of all of this you learned how to walk, how miraculous.

What is different today is people want to run; they don’t want to take baby steps with any goal. When did you lose the ability to make a goal, go for it, and get it?

Somewhere along the way in your/our lives, we were conditioned. You and I became unwilling to take baby steps. You and I lost faith in the universal truth that the simple little disciplines done over and over, again and again over time would move mountains and be profound.

The Slight Edge philosophy is based on doing things that are easy-little disciplines (baby steps), in which, over time done consistently, add up to the biggest achievements. The problem is that all those things that are easy to do are just as easy not to do. Why is something easy not to do? If you don't do it; it won't kill you TODAY. But, that insignificant error in judgment, compounded over time, will d destroy you, kill your dreams and desires and ruin any chance for you to have success, you can count on it.

Therese Catanzano and Excepts from Jeff Olson

How I Transformed Adversity into Success.

I was speaking to someone who I admire in this industry. When he spoke, I felt his vibrations and his vibrations were so positive. He made such an impact on me; I could actually feel how driven, motivated, and positive he was with every word he spoke. I had to re-think about my life and personal development, because I want to be just like him. Although, I do great with my daily autosuggestion, positive thinking and spiritual growth; after speaking with him, I thought to myself, I wanted what he had. I wanted to feel that there is nothing in this industry I cannot do or become. I started wholeheartedly to focus on my personal growth and development. I now know the formula for success, “MINDSET +Skillset=Success”.

How can I change my mind of Adversity? How do I stop thinking about all the struggles, misfortunes, and difficulties I have and had in my life and in this industry? How can I transform adversity into success? How can I dominate my subconscious mind completely? I have realized adversity isn’t an obstacle to get around in order to resume living my life and becoming successful. It has to be part of my life. I think of it as an obscuration or shadow, sometimes I see it alot and sometimes I see it a little, but I know it is there and it is always with me. There is adversity in everyone’s life and it’s all very real and relative to every single person. Adversity can and has an impact on everyone. But what I have learned and learning is once we adapt to adversity, we can change and transform.

Overcoming adversity, opening ourselves up to setbacks, and choosing to see it as natural, we can adapt to it and use it in a positive way. What a great idea! It amazes me and impresses me how many stories I have read and what I have learned. Great leaders confront and act on adversity. They change difficult, into simple and misfortune into fortune and great wealth. They thrive on chaos and adversity. No adversity seems too great. What I figured out and what helps me is, there are days that I experience mundane events that seem to create setbacks in my life. My solutions: adapt, transform and change.

Perhaps until we are tested, we don’t know what we are made of. Maybe that is what adversity gives us; a sense of self, and a sense of our own power. We can give ourselves a gift and re-imagine adversity as something more than tough times. Maybe we can see it as change. Let’s learn from it. Embrace it and accept it. The great Charles Darwin wrote about evolution. He illustrated the truth about the human character. It is not the strongest who survives, nor is it the most intelligent who survives; it is the one that is most adaptable to change. Change your thought, learn HOW to think and take advantage of your adversities.

“Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.” Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

“If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.”Mary Engelbreit

Therese Catanzano
“The Nurse Network Marketer”

Download this FREE E-book; it will help you with your own adversities and help you adapt, transform and change. It is Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich If you would like the audio, please Email me and I will send it to you.

Can You Sell Yourself to You?

The implication seems to be that while physical appearance seems so

important, these days. Being attractive finally occurs more for the type of characteristics that we

practice (interior attitudes, confidence, and integrity) than how we look physically, (exterior beauty, clothing, etc).

Anyone who has lived for a while knows that in human relationships, your character or integrity is what makes relationships work. Integrity is what can be relied upon much more so than how a friend, spouse, partners, neighbor, employer, etc. looks.

It also seems to me that our inner attitudes and integrity, compassion, and confidence must first be

practiced on ourselves before it yields anything of substance. For instance, I

can set about to practice compassion toward others. If I do not practice

compassion toward myself first, then the compassion that I think I am

practicing toward others is finally just another exterior practice for others

to see—in hopes that I might impress someone. If I practice compassion on

myself first, then I begin to appreciate what real compassion is. Then, when I

am compassionate toward another, it comes from a very different place. It is

genuine. My compassion has integrity. The other person feels the difference,

and knows that there has been a genuine interchange between us. This is how I feel when I interact with someone.

Physical appearance cannot have that kind of effect on others. Remember, Virtue gives what physical appearance denies. Remember you are selling yourself and offering a solution to people problems.

Believe in yourself and love yourself. You are attractive!!

What Are The Dangers Network Marketers Face When and While Building Their Business?

What Are The Dangers Network Marketers Face When and While Building Their Business?

As a network marketer, I have notice marketing changing continuously. For me it is getting quite annoying. I know for myself personally, that I had a bad case of “information overload”. I would get one strategy under my belt and then something new would come or the best new marketing strategy would be “revealed”. It was the Attraction Marketing Concept when used the right way, which kept me from quitting because I love to learn, teach and give value to other marketers. The Attraction marketing Concept is to give and lead with value, not try and sell your/ or an primary opportunity.

When you have information overload, you are scattered. You may have a plan, but generally you do not follow through with it. It’s just the way it is. Also, you don’t know where to start; you have no clear plan and tons of distracting and conflicting information. What you need to do is be aware of it and FOCUS and COMMIT to Your Network Marketing Business. Do not stray. Don’t get distracted. It’s hard, but worth it.

Loyalty is another danger. People on internet have a quick fix mentality, they are not skilled and thus do not understand that they need to be connected, consistent and loyal. Remember you are a network marketer also referred as relationship marketing; you have to build relationships. So if you are not building relationships and not connecting with people, then you need to start. Take control and focus on your goals toward building your business.

There are only two ways for you to build your business online.

1. Build your business yourself! Build your websites, web properties, auto responders, salesfunnels, capture pages, opt in offers e-books, etc… from scratch or…..

2. Leverage your Business by saving yourself time, energy, and MONEY on replicated systems that are proven thus being able to FOCUS on your “Money Producing Activities”

Which one is for you? I hope you said number two.

In conclusion, I want you to remember, Network Marketing is about building relationships and connecting with people on and offline.

Don’t let the internet and information overload get to you. Stay Focused and Build Your Business through the Attraction Marketing Concept.

DO NOT GET DISTRACTED ANYMORE with other programs and FOCUS on your own Business.

How Do YOU Reveal Your Expertise In Network Marketing? Selling or Educating?

How Do YOU Reveal Your Expertise In Network Marketing? Selling or Educating?

Network Marketing is not selling. Network Marketing is connecting to people and educating them about internet marketing industry. You should not aggressively try to sell your product or service. Unfortunately, many marketers don’t understand this concept. You need to understand that marketing is not about selling, but educating your potential prospects.(Attraction Marketing Concept) Help them to understand more about you and the Industry. Marketers try aggressively to sell their products, themselves and/or services, thus turning off potential prospects. Your potential prospects are going to need to make an educated decision on why they need your service or product, so educate them.
Selling is forceful, aggressive, applies pressure, mistrust and will turn your prospects away. When you educate, you give value, you are helpful, useful and contribute to their education and this will create a bond and/or trust with your prospect. Think about the last time someone tried to sell you something!! Did you feel like running away?? When you are constantly giving value and advice, you will earn trust. Remember you are the educator, the teacher, the student, in this Industry, now and always.
In order to educate, you need to become an expert and a student to the industry. Knowledge will be ongoing.

There Are 3 Ways To Educate Yourself:

· Read – Books, Blogs, Articles, Newsletters, or News articles. Anything that will increase your value.
· Listen—Audio CDs, Radio Shows like, podcasts, teleseminars and live calls.
· Observe—Live Seminars are best, but there are also Webinars, informational DVD’s, video podcasts and vlogs.

The 4 Top Mistakes Marketers Make Are:

· AN UNCLEAR AND/OR COMPLICATED MARKETING MESSAGE. Marketers are unclear how to help their potential prospects. The prospect is unclear to what the marketer is trying to offer or sell.
· FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR TARGET MARKET. You need to be crystal clear who your target market is and what their problems are. If you don’t know who your marketing target or who you are selling your services too, it is going to be really difficult to create relationships to people who will want to pursue you and/or purchasing your services.
· “SHOUTING OUT” your marketing message. “Buy my product!” or “Make 10,000 in 3 months!” It turns people off. By being subtle with your marketing message, you will gain intrigue, interest, and trust with your potential prospect
· WHAT YOUR TARGET MARKET WANTS TO HEAR. Your target wants to hear, and learn solutions to their problems.

There are 10 Ways to Educate Your Prospects:

· Send out a Newsletter bi-weekly or monthly. Offer a Free-EBook
· Writing Ezine articles or Ideamarketers articles (This will position you as an educator/expert.)
· Maintain your blog. (This also educates your audience and should be updated a least once a week, but twice is better, personally.
· Submitting press releases (This is especially good because a lot of people look at them, like journalists and editors and you can post them on your website. Press releases to your prospects are great because most don’t know that you write them yourself.
· Podcasts. Your prospect can download your marketing message to mp3 and they can go about their business while becoming educated and informed.
· Hosting a Radio Show, like
· Hosting a Teleseminar and/or Webinar. If they want more information on the particular topic, they will seek you out. Educate on relevant topics such as the “how to” use facebook, article writing, video marketing, twitter, linkedin etc...
· Interview other Industry Experts. This will position you as an equal to the expert you are interviewing.
· Use Youtube or Video Marketing and educate your prospect (Seeing and hearing is great educationally)
· Host a live event or seminar.

Remember you are the educator, teacher, mentor, and expert. Don’t complicate your marketing message, be crystal clear. Determine your target market, find out what their problems are and give them solutions. You should be aware of your strengths and weakness, if you are great at writing, then educate with articles, try to get out of your comfort zone when you are ready and do something different. Video marketing seems to be the way to go these days. It is a proven fact. Most people learn better by seeing and hearing at same time, personally. The more education you give your prospects, the more visible you are going to be and be pursued. You will clearly be known as an expert in the marketing industry.

“If you want to increase your value to society, you must increase your education and bring more to the marketplace.” Jim Rohn

How Does the Internet Kill Network Marketers?

How Does the Internet Kill Network Marketers?

The Internet can be a confusing place with incredible amount of information. There are people coming online and online marketers are getting frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed. There is a lot of misinformation, conflicting information,products and systems be launched everyday. As a newbie, network marker, or online(internet marketer), its hard to make sense of it all. It is time to simplify things and understand exactly what to do.

If you are interested in understanding what to do please click on link below. We are going to simplify this whole internet marketing using attraction marketing concept by giving value. If you are serious and struggling we can help; we are going to simplify network marketing. There is a lot of teaching and/or information that is not focused on the network marketer best interest.

If you are a network marketer and you are focusing on building your network marketing business with residual income, you need to focus, understand who to listen too and what to do. STOP wasting your money and join me and other masterminds. For more information click on link below. Sign up for Webinar today. We are holding only 1000 seats. Act NOW!

Therese Catanzano
"The Nurse Network Marketer"
"Getting You Results"

MLM/Network Marketing Truth Revealed!

MLM/Network Marketing, or Online Marketing truth revealed. Is Network Marketing/ MLM for you? Do you want the Truth? I want to give you the truth about all the companies out there who are making promises to you. Whenever you get an email saying we are launching a new business that will make you $$ within XX days, its more likely a scam and do not buy leads. There is no fast way of making money when creating your business on or offline. It is hard work! Network Marketing/ MLM is a tough business. Anyone who tells you different is not a successful marketer. What you give and put into your business, you will get back.

In order for you to create a business online/offline you want to learn how to build your business the RIGHT way. The initial step is to LEARN HOW TO MARKET, You need to understand Attraction Marketing. People want to join people. Establishing relationships is essential. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace, and are all places to develop relationships and there are many more places. It is all up to you to take action. Are you ready to create your business? I am not going to build your business for you. But I can be on the sidelines watching you build it. People who don't know how or who are struggling in Network Marketing/MLM need a mentor or group of members to help them. A mentor is someone who points you in the right direction, sponsor, someone who will teach you, someone who can answer your questions.

All the other companies that keep promises saying you can make $$ fast, it is just not realistic; and it is not going to happen. If it were easy, everyone would be successful. RIGHT? Yet 97% of marketers fail why? THEY QUIT! If you really want to succeed, you have to work at creating your business. It is a challenge, but it gets better, the more value you get, the easier, it becomes. Once you acquire skilled knowledge, you need a program that works for and with you. You will need a mentor most importantly. A mentor is your personalized pointer, and a problem solver.

I have been in this industry long enough to know what works and what doesn't work. If you want to live your dreams, then take control, take action and own your life. You need to learn how to market by using attraction marketing, establish relationships and join a program or company that you trust. Be accountable, be responsible and take action today.

So, no matter how much I want to make it happen for you. I can't. ONLY YOU CAN! Start your journey and make your dreams a reality and live your life.


To your success,

Therese Catanzano

Do You Struggle To Find Prospects For Your Business Opportunity/MLM Company?

Do you struggle to find prospects for your Business Opportunity/MLM Company?

There is no reason why you should struggle to find prospects; especially, when there are prospects already out there who are searching for YOU and your services. You need to learn “how to market” by using Attraction Marketing. Attraction Marketing draws your niche or target market to you. Again, they are interested in YOU and your service or product. Once you understand who your targeted market is than the next step is getting potential prospects to your website. You need to Build (first) a relationship then establish a relationship with them. Pick up the phone and call them. Give them value or information that they are hungry for. Once you establish a relationship keep moving forward and then eventually, they will trust you and most marketers would say then tell them about your opportunity. I prefer to give and keep giving and I believe by giving you will receive. You may not make a sale, but you will have helped someone understand and to me that is good enough. Sure, it is nice if they join my business opportunity, but I find that the more I give without wanting anything in return, it builds character in me thus, making me feel good within.

The more that you are able to get prospects who are interested in you and your services/products to your web site; (or opt in), the more you are going to find that you're able to generate leads. We call that List Building. The benefits of internet marketing begins when YOU stand out from all the competition. It only happens when you provide the information (value) that your targeted market is searching for (and you should make it easy for them to find and understand). This is when you will gain trust, and they will want you to help them build their business. I see today that most marketers want you to join their program; but in all honesty, you can find almost any type of information/value on any Search Engine i.e. Google, social platforms and/or YouTube.

The concept of Internet Marketing is the ability to build valued content or relevant content to your target market. The content needs to be meaty, interesting, and juicy”

There are two basic types to Generating Leads (List Building):

* Paid Marketing which is Pay Per Click, Solo Ads and List Builder Services
* Content Marketing (This involves personal time and you have to do the work).

You should use both as you progress and advance in marketing. But when you are learning how to market, stick to content marketing. Most of the strategies are FREE.

Paid Marketing is advanced but if you have money that you can advertise with monthly, you will generate leads faster and build your list quicker.

Pay Per Click Ads: People or potential prospects click on your ad and hopefully they will opt-in to your website, that is what you are looking for and trying to achieve; so make sure your advertisement is worth clicking on.

Solo Ads- Those are those bright lighted, blinking, goddy advertisements. The marketer pays a fixed amount of money to advertise; the reason they make it so “goddy” looking is because they want you to click on it.

Viral URL or
: You pay a fee and basically it is email marketing and you build your list If you want more information about any of these types of marketing, just send me an email or Google it.

CONTENT MARKETING There are many ways to get and give value. (FREE)

* Social Networks like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Search Engines, or YouTube are good ways to find the "how to’s" and find your target market
* Article Marketing and Blogging
* Video Marketing
* Free Classifieds
* Forum Marketing* Excellent source for getting and giving value.
* SEO/Keywords

This is most important when it comes to online marketing. You need to understand ONE CONCEPT-Knowing what you can do to get people/potential prospect to your website or opt-in

There's no reason why you should struggle to find prospects for your list building; especially when there are so many prospects out there who are searching for YOU and your services that you have to offer.

In conclusion, when you start your list building and learning how to market, always have a “call to action” = “thank the prospect for visiting your website /platform or watching your video”.

Therese Catanzano


Did you know that you can call all your friends (network-marketers)? Did you know that Facebook gives you access to all your friends numbers? It’s so simple. Go to your Facebook Profile‘s Account Settings and Edit Friends. On the left upper side of your Facebook profile page you will see phonebook, click on it and all of your friends’ numbers are listed.
All you need to do is pick up the phone. Don’t pitch to them. Just ask them how they are doing? If they have any questions about facebook or if there is something you can help them with. Ask about their family, children. What do they like to do??
The way I think to ask new friends who I really do not know personally, I pretend I am with them on a walk or hike and I just met them and just start talking and see how they are doing. That's all! It’s that simple.

Go to Account Settings in your Facebook Profile and Edit Friends, and you go to left upper side and see Phonebook, click on it and all your friends and their telephone numbers come up. Its that easy.

Therese Catanzano
Is Network Marketing The Best Business Opportunity and The Key To Solving Economic and Financial Problems?

Last fall, as Wall Street blew up and the economy melted down, a number of large network marketing corporations posted some of the largest sales figures in their history. Even as millions of people saw their savings evaporate and stock portfolios disintegrate, network marketers world wide were quietly taking stock of their businesses and asking, “Are we okay?” The answer is yes, Here are what some prominent American Thought Leaders have to say about Network Marketing Business Model versus THE 9-5 Business Model.

Network marketing is the most giving form of business model in existence. Somebody who owns the right to give away work, which is what network marketing does, owns the gift of gifts. There ought to be a mission in their commission, because network marketers are paid in direct proportion for what they give. So, they offer it to somebody, and whether that particular person accepts it or not, somebody will accept it.

Giving the gift of freedom, the gift of employment and the gift of a future opportunity is the greatest gift ever. Opportunity is the greatest charity. Mark Victor Hansen

The beautiful thing about network marketing is that it is the most moral form of compensation there is. And it follows the very best income-earning strategy: you’re leveraging yourself and you’re providing great service. You’re waking people up. You’re showing people how to spend their days doing what they love to do, while at the same time earning an excellent income.

Properly executed, network marketing gives people time and money freedom. It gives them liberty, which is their birthright. Bob Proctor

I believe America’s economic future, the health of its commerce and service, is rooted in effective network marketing. People are sick and tired of the deprivation of human dignity they experience at the hands of so many of today’s corporations, which in the past ten years have scooped up all the quid for the guys on top, leaving behind some very talented people without a future.

Network marketing is turning off the spotlight of working for a corporation, and turning on the floodlight of the greatness that we all have within us. I love what you’re doing in network marketing, because you’re creating an opportunity to affect the self-esteem of many, many people. You’re giving people hope and providing a launching pad for them to discover their own greatness.

I think network marketing is potentially the greatest economic opportunity that has ever existed. Frank Maguire

The simplicity of network marketing is that you find something you deeply believe in, then use it yourself and tell other people about it. I believe God put each one of us here to do something special. Most of us aren’t doing whatever it is we were put here to do, because we’re living paycheck to paycheck. Network marketing is a chance for you to make a little extra money, and with that, to buy your freedom. Do that, and you’ll spend the rest of your life doing what you were put here to do. David Bach

Network marketing teaches basic, critical life skills. It teaches people how to overcome their fears, how to communicate, and how to handle rejection and maintain persistence. This kind of education is absolutely priceless.

Here’s what I tell people: “Even if you don’t like it, stay with it for five years and you’ll be better equipped to survive in the real world of business. And you’ll be a better person.” The people who are successful in network marketing have a spiritual cause. They genuinely want to help better others’ lives. If you don’t have that, if you just want a paycheck, then work for the post office! Robert Kiyosaki

I believe to win in life, and especially in networking, you need a steady flow of positive, inspirational information.

"Together, we can change the networking profession—and the world.” Bob Proctor

Excepts from Network Marketing Times


The simple little disciplines done again and again over time would move the highest and mightiest mountains” and “any amount of snow”. This is what is known as the as the Slight Edge Philosophy by Jeff Olson. Being in MLM/Network Marketing, for me personally, I need to use this approach. I always thought by doing a little bit everyday was doing the slight edge approach and philosophy. What I didn’t do is discipline myself the right way. I got overwhelmed, tired and to the point of being in the arena of almost quitting MLM/Network Marketing. I had to take some time off and I am glad I did.

I want to tell you what happened to me while taking time off from marketing. I had an epiphany. Coming from Eastern part of this country, we have had a lot of snow and it is only February 3rd. I can remember the first snow storm of the season and just the idea of shoveling was daunting. Then getting out there and looking at all the snow that needed to be shoveled was even more depressing. It took me forever to shovel because I didn’t use the slight edge approach; I would look up and see how much more snow was left to shovel. During all of these snow storms I used autosuggestion, prayer and rationalization “I am getting back into shape”. “I can do this” It was hard shoveling period and I was so negative internally about it. I think it was during the second storm, that I was reading Jeff Olson’s book The Slight Edge. It was a bright sunny day and I can remember going out to shovel and focus on what was right in front of me and not was ahead of me. It was twice as easy not because I just focused on what was in front of me, but I was doing it for a reason, sure the sun could have easily melted some of it, but I did it with meaning and I had a better attitude. I learned that day, Jeff Olson’s true meaning of the slight edge approach. I am a better person, I am more positive when it comes to snow storms and disciplined better. My daughter Melanie is in a wheelchair and her ramp has to be clean so she can go down the ramp by herself. It was also because I need my driveway to be safe for driving in and out. Then there was the mailman who walks everyday delivering me my mail. So it was and is important to me to focus on what is right in front of me and not what is ahead of me. In conclusion to my little story of my snowy slight edge story, the point I am trying to make is you have to be positive, disciplined and focus on what is right in front of you by taking baby steps. Take baby steps and it when you do take baby steps, you learn how to master the slight edge philosophy. “Learning how to learn”. You will find if you use the slight edge approach, you might be shoveling your neighbor’s driveway.

Because I took some time off from marketing, I had to take along hard look and step back at what I had been doing for the past two years. Is network marketing my passion? My passion is learning, teaching, networking and people. These last two years have not been wasted but I know I could have been more focused and if I understood things, followed through more efficiently took the slight edge approach more seriously, and disciplined myself better, things would and probably be different today. It’s not just about doing a little bit every day. It’s about DISCIPLINING YOURSELF to focus and do something with meaning and to learn “how to learn”. It doesn’t have to be huge; it just has to be meaningful. When I read Jeff Olson’s book called the Slight Edge, I read it too quickly the first time and I didn’t get the flavor and meaning that it means to me today. My understanding is that when I do something every day with meaning and continue to do it, you begin to discipline yourself and understand what you are doing, and it keeps me moving forward.

I can say today, that my passion is to teach, network and learn; my passion has and will always be to help others.

If there is a part of Jeff Olson and his book that I want you to take it is to remember when you were in the process of learning how to walk, you crawled, and how many times if you can remember; which you probably can’t, did you fail but you kept trying to get up and walk. Aha! But you learn how to walk, how miraculous.

What is different today is people want to run; they don’t want to take baby steps with any goal. When did you lose the ability to make a goal, go for it, and get it?

Somewhere along the way in your/our lives, we were conditioned. You and I became unwilling to take baby steps. You and I lost faith in the universal truth that the simple little disciplines done over and over, again and again over time would move mountains and be profound.

The Slight Edge philosophy is based on doing things that are easy-little disciplines (baby steps), in which, over time done consistently, add up to the biggest achievements. The problem is that all those things that are easy to do are just as easy not to do. Why is something easy not to do? If you don't do it; it won't kill you TODAY. But, that insignificant error in judgment, compounded over time, will d destroy you, kill your dreams and desires and ruin any chance for you to have success, you can count on it. If I am wrong, I will shovel your driveway.

How Do YOU Reveal Your Expertise In Marketing? Selling or Education?

How Do YOU Reveal Your Expertise In Marketing? Selling or Education?

Marketing is not selling. You should not aggressively try to sell your product or service. Unfortunately, many marketers don’t understand this concept. You need to understand that marketing is not about selling, but educating your potential prospects. Help them to understand more about you and the Industry. Marketers try aggressively to sell their products, themselves and/or services, thus turning off potential prospects. Your potential prospects are going to need to make an educated decision on why they need your service or product, so educate them.
Selling is forceful, aggressive, applies pressure, mistrust and will turn your prospects away. When you educate, you give value, you are helpful, useful and contribute to their education and this will create a bond and/or trust with your prospect. Think about the last time someone tried to sell you something!! Did you feel like running away?? When you are constantly giving value and advice, you will earn trust. Remember you are the educator, the teacher, the student, in this Industry, now and always.
In order to educate, you need to become an expert and a student to the industry. Knowledge will be ongoing.

There Are 3 Ways To Educate Yourself:

· Read – Books, Blogs, Articles, Newsletters, or News articles. Anything that will increase your value.
· Listen—Audio CDs, Radio Shows like, podcasts, teleseminars and live calls.
· Observe—Live Seminars are best, but there are also Webinars, informational DVD’s, video podcasts and vlogs.

The 4 Top Mistakes Marketers Make Are:

· AN UNCLEAR AND/OR COMPLICATED MARKETING MESSAGE. Marketers are unclear how to help their potential prospects. The prospect is unclear to what the marketer is trying to offer or sell.
· FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR TARGET MARKET. You need to be crystal clear who your target market is and what their problems are. If you don’t know who your marketing target or who you are selling your services too, it is going to be really difficult to create relationships to people who will want to pursue you and/or purchasing your services.
· “SHOUTING OUT” your marketing message. “Buy my product!” or “Make 10,000 in 3 months!” It turns people off. By being subtle with your marketing message, you will gain intrigue, interest, and trust with your potential prospect
· WHAT YOUR TARGET MARKET WANTS TO HEAR. Your target wants to hear, and learn solutions to their problems.

There are 10 Ways to Educate Your Prospects:

· Send out a Newsletter bi-weekly or monthly. Offer a Free-EBook
· Writing Ezine articles or Ideamarketers articles (This will position you as an educator/expert.)
· Maintain your blog. (This also educates your audience and should be updated a least once a week, but twice is better, personally.
· Submitting press releases (This is especially good because a lot of people look at them, like journalists and editors and you can post them on your website. Press releases to your prospects are great because most don’t know that you write them yourself.
· Podcasts. Your prospect can download your marketing message to mp3 and they can go about their business while becoming educated and informed.
· Hosting a Radio Show, like
· Hosting a Teleseminar and/or Webinar. If they want more information on the particular topic, they will seek you out. Educate on relevant topics such as the “how to” use facebook, article writing, video marketing, twitter, linkedin etc...
· Interview other Industry Experts. This will position you as an equal to the expert you are interviewing.
· Use Youtube or Video Marketing and educate your prospect (Seeing and hearing is great educationally)
· Host a live event or seminar.

Remember you are the educator, teacher, mentor, and expert. Don’t complicate your marketing message, be crystal clear. Determine your target market, find out what their problems are and give them solutions. You should be aware of your strengths and weakness, if you are great at writing, then educate with articles, try to get out of your comfort zone when you are ready and do something different. Video marketing seems to be the way to go these days. It is a proven fact. Most people learn better by seeing and hearing at same time, personally. The more education you give your prospects, the more visible you are going to be and be pursued. You will clearly be known as an expert in the marketing industry.

“If you want to increase your value to society, you must increase your education and bring more to the marketplace.” Jim Rohn