As a network marketer, I have notice marketing changing continuously. For me it is getting quite annoying. I know for myself personally, that I had a bad case of “information overload”. I would get one strategy under my belt and then something new would come or the best new marketing strategy would be “revealed”. It was the Attraction Marketing Concept when used the right way, which kept me from quitting because I love to learn, teach and give value to other marketers. The Attraction marketing Concept is to give and lead with value, not try and sell your/ or an primary opportunity.
When you have information overload, you are scattered. You may have a plan, but generally you do not follow through with it. It’s just the way it is. Also, you don’t know where to start; you have no clear plan and tons of distracting and conflicting information. What you need to do is be aware of it and FOCUS and COMMIT to Your Network Marketing Business. Do not stray. Don’t get distracted. It’s hard, but worth it.
Loyalty is another danger. People on internet have a quick fix mentality, they are not skilled and thus do not understand that they need to be connected, consistent and loyal. Remember you are a network marketer also referred as relationship marketing; you have to build relationships. So if you are not building relationships and not connecting with people, then you need to start. Take control and focus on your goals toward building your business.
There are only two ways for you to build your business online.
1. Build your business yourself! Build your websites, web properties, auto responders, salesfunnels, capture pages, opt in offers e-books, etc… from scratch or…..
2. Leverage your Business by saving yourself time, energy, and MONEY on replicated systems that are proven thus being able to FOCUS on your “Money Producing Activities”
Which one is for you? I hope you said number two.
In conclusion, I want you to remember, Network Marketing is about building relationships and connecting with people on and offline.
Don’t let the internet and information overload get to you. Stay Focused and Build Your Business through the Attraction Marketing Concept.
DO NOT GET DISTRACTED ANYMORE with other programs and FOCUS on your own Business.
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