The 10 Reasons Why Network Marketing is Better Than Any Job, Career, Business or Investment Opportunity!

The 10 Reasons Why Network Marketing is Better Than Any Job, Career, Business or Investment Opportunity!

My daughter came home from school and she was quite sad that her Teacher was let go.Her teacher was given a ONE DAY NOTICE. She was quite upset. Is the economy hurting me and my daughter, YES! As I have stated many times, more than ever in recent history, people are hurting. They’re losing their homes, being laid off and living on credit cards just to get by, thus putting them into further debt. And the worst part, no one is very hopeful that things will ever turn around and get any better. Instead of complaining, do something about it. It is time for a change. People are turning to the internet because they need a plan B or opportunity that can give them a sense of hope and provide them with a means for a more secure future. We as leaders have to help them.

Here are the 10 Reasons Why Network Marketing is A Solutuion to our Economy Problem

* Low-to-No Financial Risk. Start your own business at a no cost to low cost.
* Be Your Own Boss. Working for yourself whether it be part-time or full time, when and where you want.
* Superior Quality Products. Unlimited Market Potential
* Impressive Tax Advantages. Legally putting thought of dollars in your pocket from the Home-base-business tax-savings.
* No Restrictions. Not set Hours. NO COMMUTING. NO employess. NO dress code, NO high overhead. NO limitations. No one to tell you when you can go to the bathroom or taking a break.
* 100 Billion In Sales. More than 20 million independent business people in North America alone, where annual company growth rates of 30% to 1500% are common. An expanding global market.
* Open to All. Regardless of your Age, Sex, Race, Education, Experience, Income Level, Capital Investment, Family or Business Background., Past Success or Failure.
* In-Depth Training/Support. The internet is filled with a wealth of information It promotes the highest of personal and professional growth, business and leadership Skills and Development.
* Immediate Income. The very real opportunity to earn both part-time and full-time. You will be able to leave your job.
* Freedom "Living the Lifestyle of a Millionaire" without the burdens, hassles, and responsibilities, Your time and your life are yours.

Do you want to take control of you and own your life? Start Network Marketing! If you want more information, call me, send me an E-mail and I can help you.


The implication seems to be that while physical appearance seems so important, these days. Being attractive finally occurs more for the type of characteristics that we practice (interior attitudes, confidence, and integrity) than how we look physically, (exterior beauty, clothing, etc).

Anyone who has lived for a while knows that in human relationships, your character or integrity is what makes relationships work. Integrity is what can be relied upon much more so than how a friend, spouse, partner, neighbor, employer, etc. “looks”.

It also seems to me that our inner attitudes and integrity, compassion, and confidence must first be
practiced on ourselves before it yields anything of substance. For instance, I can set about to practice compassion toward others. If I do not practice compassion toward myself first, then the compassion that I think I am practicing toward others is finally just another exterior practice for others
to see—in hopes that I might impress someone. If I practice compassion on myself first, then I begin to appreciate what real compassion is. Then, when I am compassionate toward another, it comes from a very different place. It is genuine. My compassion has integrity. The other person feels the difference,
and knows that there has been a genuine interchange between us. This is how I feel when I am with someone.

Physical appearance cannot have that kind of effect on others. Remember, Virtue gives what physical appearance denies. Remember you are selling yourself and offering a solution to people problems.

Be yourself, be unique and most importantly, believe, have hope and have faith. You will succeed.