Why Free Marketing Works? Old School Marketing vs. New School Marketing | BetterNetworker.com

Why Free Marketing Works? Old School Marketing vs. New School Marketing

Old School Marketing formally known as Traditional Marketing is Newspaper, TV, Magazine Ads, Billboards, direct mail, and other advertisements. All these ads tell the consumer what to do. “Hey Call this number or EM us and we will send you information” There is no interaction between the consumer and the company, just directions. Traditional marketing is losing its effectiveness.

What happened was the consumer started to become skeptical with these ads; they didn’t feel that traditional marketing was interactive; thus making the consumer uneasy. Advertisements were just telling you where to go, what to do and what to buy. Personally, I felt and still feel uneasy with these types of ads. Traditional Marketing is basically dead. By 2010 “traditional advertising” will be 1/3 as effective as it used to be. How many times do you change the channel or turn the page because of an ad? People do not like to be interrupted. It is just the way it is in today’s’ world. Marketing today is Interactive. . Then there was a shift in marketing. Marketing began to interact with the consumer by way of the internet.

The Internet came about and businesses started putting up ads, using pay-per-click (ppc) The consumer felt a bit more control over what they could do, if they were interested in the ad The internet changed the face of marketing. Today anyone can become a network marketer using totally free marketing platforms. New School Marketing, in which it now being called Social Media Marketing or Relationship Marketing exploded and is still exploding, because consumers are able to interact. Examples of New School Marketing, Blogs, Facebook, Linkedin,You Tube, Photosharing, and Twitter, and there are thousands of other platforms on the internet. People can communicate and build a relationship before making a decision. These platforms are totally free to use and you should learn them. I will give you some personal advice; you should learn a platform per month. Study, learn, implement, and dominate a platform. After you know it, use that platform to establish relationships and interact with your target market. When you begin to establish relationships and interact, find out what their problems and/or struggles are in a subtle way, be interested, listen, respond, and give them a solution.

There are Six Reasons to tap into Social Media Platforms and/or Relationship Marketing/Free Marketing Platforms.
· There Free

· Traditional Advertising is losing its effectiveness. Consumers are tired of the noise, they are tired of being told what to do and become skeptical. Traditional marketing just does not work and is not as effective as is New School Marketing.

· New School Marketing is interactive. People want to ask questions, people want answers to their problems.

· Consumers want to establish a trusting relationship. Always remember Relationships first, Business second.

· New School Marketing/Relationship Marketing is informational to the consumer. The more value you give, the more the consumer is going to trust you and see you as an expert. They will seek you out. Embrace the idea of informing the consumer rather than telling consumer what to do.

· You can become visible on the internet using many social media platforms. The more visibility you have, the more you are going to attract prospects.

“Helping people develop their own brilliance is much more effective than giving them yours”
- Garrison Wynn

If you would like to learn how to use these platforms, please contact me at http://theresecat1.blogspot.com or http://tnnmarketing.com

Therese Catanzano


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