Last fall, as Wall Street blew up and the economy melted down, a number of large network marketing corporations posted some of the largest sales figures in their history. Even as millions of people saw their savings evaporate and stock portfolios disintegrate, network marketers world wide were quietly taking stock of their businesses and asking, “Are we okay?” The answer is yes, Here are what some prominent American Thought Leaders have to say about Network Marketing Business Model versus THE 9-5 Business Model.
Network marketing is the most giving form of business model in existence. Somebody who owns the right to give away work, which is what network marketing does, owns the gift of gifts. There ought to be a mission in their commission, because network marketers are paid in direct proportion for what they give. So, they offer it to somebody, and whether that particular person accepts it or not, somebody will accept it.
Giving the gift of freedom, the gift of employment and the gift of a future opportunity is the greatest gift ever. Opportunity is the greatest charity. Mark Victor Hansen
The beautiful thing about network marketing is that it is the most moral form of compensation there is. And it follows the very best income-earning strategy: you’re leveraging yourself and you’re providing great service. You’re waking people up. You’re showing people how to spend their days doing what they love to do, while at the same time earning an excellent income.
Properly executed, network marketing gives people time and money freedom. It gives them liberty, which is their birthright. Bob Proctor
I believe America’s economic future, the health of its commerce and service, is rooted in effective network marketing. People are sick and tired of the deprivation of human dignity they experience at the hands of so many of today’s corporations, which in the past ten years have scooped up all the quid for the guys on top, leaving behind some very talented people without a future.
Network marketing is turning off the spotlight of working for a corporation, and turning on the floodlight of the greatness that we all have within us. I love what you’re doing in network marketing, because you’re creating an opportunity to affect the self-esteem of many, many people. You’re giving people hope and providing a launching pad for them to discover their own greatness.
I think network marketing is potentially the greatest economic opportunity that has ever existed. Frank Maguire
The simplicity of network marketing is that you find something you deeply believe in, then use it yourself and tell other people about it. I believe God put each one of us here to do something special. Most of us aren’t doing whatever it is we were put here to do, because we’re living paycheck to paycheck. Network marketing is a chance for you to make a little extra money, and with that, to buy your freedom. Do that, and you’ll spend the rest of your life doing what you were put here to do. David Bach
Network marketing teaches basic, critical life skills. It teaches people how to overcome their fears, how to communicate, and how to handle rejection and maintain persistence. This kind of education is absolutely priceless.
Here’s what I tell people: “Even if you don’t like it, stay with it for five years and you’ll be better equipped to survive in the real world of business. And you’ll be a better person.” The people who are successful in network marketing have a spiritual cause. They genuinely want to help better others’ lives. If you don’t have that, if you just want a paycheck, then work for the post office! Robert Kiyosaki
I believe to win in life, and especially in networking, you need a steady flow of positive, inspirational information.
"Together, we can change the networking profession—and the world.” Bob Proctor
Excepts from Network Marketing Times
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