Everyone who uses facebook knows how some ads can be annoying when working on Facebook, especially popup ads that have nothing to do with you, your niche, or your relationships.
There are some of them that are offensive and there's no way to block them with an application within facebook. Even if you report ads that come up on your profile - they still come up. Jason Ward did some research and was able to find a reliable way to kill most if not all the ads within face book - and any other site when you browse on your computer.
Jason states and some might argue that the ads pay for facebook –he and I disagree - seeing as facebook is in bed with the Information Awareness Office
We have every right to block content on our screens - and Facebook will still profit – We both have got a clean conscience. If you want to, then follow these instructions and you will be able to block ads on your facebook WALL, speed up your web pages and speed up your browser
You need to have Mozilla/Firefox - if you don't have it - get the Firefox Web browser here:
http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ and install it.
1. Go here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865
2. Click: Add To Firefox
3. Under the Tools menu in Firefox, select Adblock Plus
4. Click the Add Filter button
5. Copy and paste the following filter: facebook.com#*(social_ad)
6. Click OK
7. Copy and paste the following filter: facebook.com#*(social_ad_advert)
8. Click OK
9. Copy and paste the following filter: facebook.com#*(sponsors)
10. Click OK
11. Close Firefox, then open it and go to Facebook - Adblock Plus should block all Facebook ads
12. Also if you find an ad, just right click and ADBLOCK and it should disappear
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