With Marketing, there are certain strategies that we marketers feel good at. Well, as they say “you have to come out of your comfort zone and do other types of marketing strategies, like video or teleseminars. Yes, I believe that to be true, but if you are not ready, haven’t the knowledge, don’t have the equipment or any certain reason why you may not be able to to do these strategies, stick to what is most comfortable to you, work on the strategies you know will get you visitors and personally, if you do what is comfortable to you and it makes you feel as though you are giving value and attracting people, I would continue. As in anything, you will progress and you will want to do different strategies, it just takes time and practice. I am sure that many celebrities who make videos had to practice and feel comfortable too.
Strength Based Marketing is focusing on your marketing strengths by using your personality and your strengths and being consistent. Remember you are not trying to sell yourself, it is much easier, you are trying to establish a relationship with other people who want to learn marketing. Use what is natural to you. And you will progress at your pace, you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing, do what is comfortable to you and remember, just establish a relationship by giving value and you will have success.
These are the 5 ways to Market: One of my favorite strategies is Article Marketing or Blogging; “writing”.
1. Writing:
The Heading and Content of any article or blog is very important. Use your own, don’t copy anybody else’s. You can use other articles as reference, but I suggest being original, be yourself. Content taken from other marketers becomes overused, abused and unoriginal. Writing your own content with your own voice and unique personality will give the reader a taste of what and who you are and how much of an expert you are. Websites such as ezinearticles.com, ideamarketers.com, and goarticles.com are most popular article sites. Article Publishers like Google seek quality articles to republish. When your articles begin to be republished on other sites, this will start a viral effect which can bring traffic to you.
Every time you write an article, you should also post it on your Blog or website. Use Keywords. When you write an article, make sure in your content you are giving value, don’t try and sell products or yourself, give value and knowledge and make sure to include at least 3-5 keywords throughout the content and title of your article. This will help optimize your article adequately. It will help people searching for advice on your topic, find your article. .
Write 500-600 Words in an article. Some people think it is 300-500 but Google likes articles that are anywhere from 500 to 800 words. At the end of your articles always include “The Author Resource Box” .What this is basically your signature with a saying: for example; To your Success Therese Catanzano, “A mentor with a Servant’s Heart” and then add your website address link. Stay away from selling yourself and instead, offer your visitors more value. If they visit your website or blog for example, give them free information on how to or opt in (for free) Be Persistent and Consistent when writing articles. Article marketing takes time; however, if you are persistent, consistent in your efforts and publish quality articles, you will get noticed and you will get traffic.
2. Video Marketing:
Video Marketing (YouTube) is ranked #4 on Alexa scale. I think if you haven’t made a video but want to, start by taking videos of your family or of your animals or backyard. Be comfortable, the more you are exposed, the better you will be at doing it. Most people offer value by video and promote themselves. When you are video marketing yourself, you are personalizing it and visitors actually see that you are a real person/leader/expert/teacher/specialist, There are other ways of video marketing like having someone that you admire and gives good value, and/or using pictures and music in a video, or screen capture software, i.e. (Camtasia) when you are using power point or slides to give value to prospects.
3. The Speaker:
A speaker educates about the industry. Record a segment, like (Podcasting and Nanocasting).Host a show or Interview/Blogtalkradio.com and live calls. All these types of speaking position you as an expert. There are other ways to speak, you can teach a class at an Adult Education Center, local college, or library.
4. Online Network Marketing:
Marketing online. There are Social network sites such as Facebook, and Myspace, and then there are Professional Networking Sites, such as Linkedin, Betternetworker, Plaxo, Xing etc… There are Microblogging sites like Twitter and Identi.ca. There are many online resources for networking.
5. Offline Network Marketing:
Marketing offline. Meetup.com is a network of professionals that meet locally. Handing out flyers, and giving out your card to someone.
Strength based marketing is about teaching people to focus on their strengths, skills, and talents. There are many free ways to do all these types of strategies. For more free strategies, you can contact me. I would be more than happy to share them with you. You just need to acquire the skills, believe in yourself and that you are a leader and take action.
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